Business rates

APHC urges plumbing and heating businesses to check the rateable value of their business premises

APHC urges plumbing and heating businesses to check the rateable value of their business premises

Plumbing and heating businesses should check the new draft rateable value of their business premises ahead of the business rate revaluation, says APHC.

John Thompson CEO of APHC, a leading membership organisation for English and Welsh plumbing and heating businesses, said: “The last business rates revaluation was in 2010 and was based on 2008 property values. The next business rates revaluation comes into effect on April 1 this year and reassesses all business property in England and Wales based on the rateable values as of April 1, 2015.”


Checking the new rateable value will give business rate payers time to plan for any changes or to appeal against the new rateable value.